Friday, July 20, 2012


我很爱我的外婆,很爱很爱很爱。。。2012年4月13日 (星期五),我外婆被送进医院,一进就进了ICU ( Intensive Care Unit )。我当时还在IMU,是家人给了一通电话向我说明外婆的状况。她发高烧了。我当时真的被吓呆,因为我外婆一向来身体都不错,而且她应经81岁,所以是一件我绝对不喜欢听到的事情。当我下课后 ( 7:30pm ),我赶到医院去。。。。。婆婆当时还清醒,但是身上插满了管道( nasogastric tube, pulse oximeter, urinary catheter.....)。医生说,我婆婆的尿管生了石头,而且还是很大粒的那种,所以要依靠catheter来输尿。还有,她的肠胃不能正常操作 ( something like intestinal atony which i am not sure whether it is the proper term or not, where peristalsis can no longer take place),因此粪便已经累积到她的胃部去 (因为nasogastric tube也排出了粪便)。婆婆的血压和心跳都很高( around 159/90 mmHg and 120 bpm ), 所以根本没医生敢为她动手术。我吓得几乎要哭了出来。。。。星期六,原本是打算参与我大学所举办的晚宴IMU Ball,但我知道我不能去,因为我得守在婆婆的身边。婆婆一直吵着要出院,还一度要拔开身上的tubes, 护士们没办法,只好绑住她的双手。婆婆求我为她松绑,但我不依,非常心痛。。。。星期日,婆婆又发高烧,而且多数时间都在睡。。。星期一,我在IMU接到妈妈的电话。她说,婆婆没得救了。不能救了。我当场在图书馆哭了。之后来到医院,得知婆婆剩下不多时间。我当场崩溃。。。结果,隔天早上,我婆婆走了。死因是septicemia。婆婆入土的那一天,我完全没哭,因为那天也正好是她的生日,我不想哭得像小孩一样。。。婆婆去世后至今,我几乎每晚都在哭。我无法接受一位养育我22年的亲人这样离我而去。我真的太爱我的外婆。。。还记得小时候,外婆每天都牵着我的小手去上学。下课了,她会带着食物,在食堂等我。回家后,还得为我们准备晚餐和洗衣服。有时候,我在游乐场玩得太晚,婆婆会来,大声地喊我的名字,把我给拉回去。有一次更加离谱,婆婆锁门不让我出去玩,就很生气,很用力地把婆婆家的板墙踢穿,露了个大洞。那时候,我几乎每天惹父亲生气和挨藤鞭,结果都是会抱着外婆的屁股避难(那时的我很矮。。。)。我的婆婆,从来没受过学校教育,不识字,也不会什么人生大道理。然而,让我由此至终敬佩和爱护婆婆的地方,是她那颗对儿女,孙子们的那份关怀,与大爱。我婆婆从来不过问我的学业,只关心我们是否每天都吃得饱,健不健康。即使婆婆已经年上高龄,她的家务事从来没终止过,直到她病倒的那一天。我妈妈告诉我,以前家里很穷,婆婆得工作来帮补家庭开销。她从事过开档卖糕点,到甚至在餐馆里打杂 (洗碗碟,算筷子等之类的杂务)。当时,我听了就觉得心酸,原来婆婆以前过得一点都不容易,也开始对自己没工作却能过着舒逸的生活带有点惭愧。不过,自中学开始,我开始逐一改掉我的坏习惯。我不再那么好玩,反之我变得非常好学,好胜 (我觉得我的小学老师们知道后肯定会跌破眼镜。。。)。从中一的全级第111名(我可告诉你,这成绩在我学校真的是非常烂。。。),中二 的第六名,中三 的第三名。。。。。。直到SPM 14个一级甲等, 我真的非常努力了。一来我真的很爱学习,二来我希望让婆婆开心 (though i don't think that she could appreciate the excellency of these results as she had never been educated),因为我曾经告诉她我想成为医生。我想让她骄傲(认识我的朋友都知道我真的很黏我的婆婆,因为从小到大我多数时间都是陪在婆婆身边)。。。。。现在,我将进入医学课程第三年。但是,婆婆已经不在了。而明天,是婆婆去世后的第一百天。我开始感慨,这几年发生的事情实在是太多。无论是感情上的创伤,学业上的挫折,遇上赌烂的人,我全都经历过。但值得高兴的是,我遇上很多(也没有很多,但就比以前多)很棒的朋友们。与其以前一直只会啃书,我现在已真正懂得the meaning of "enjoy life"! 我对目前的生活不排斥,但也没说很满意啦,偶尔都会出现让我觉得赌烂的事情。我已没能为婆婆做些什么,只但愿天天过得开心,健康,好好照顾自己。这样,我想婆婆应该没有遗憾了。婆婆的离去,的确重重地伤透我的心。这种痛,我以前就认为会很痛,但是,没亲身经历过,是永远不会真正明白的那种痛。这星期一,是我的生日。与往年一样,我都是一个人过,到哪里逛逛还是做些什么的,但是以前婆婆都会陪在身边。而下星期就开学了。不说了,我不想再哭。在这之前,我想感谢一些陪我走过困难时期的人,谢谢你们,有你们真好。也想告诉大家说,请真心珍惜身边每一个人,无论是亲人,朋友或是伴侣。也许有时会发生不愉快的事情,但也别讨厌与憎恨对方。感情的裂缝,是要修补的,而不是抛弃,最后,因为短期间我并不会再写了,因此我想在这里许下我的诺言:将来的以后,我肯定会是个很棒的医生!!I promise. ;-)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Fiery Warpath Walkthrough

Hi there, just get bored with study and feel like writing something here. Well, mousehunt is my favourite. This is the Fiery Warpath walkthrough that i wrote personally for my friend recently. I will just share it here for anyone who r interested. This is seriously a very brief walkthrough, which i tried to make it as simple as possible (which i dont even mention the exact names of the mice). For detailed information, u must still refer to the mousehunt wiki. Thanks.... :-)

1st thing, the formation of Fiery Warpath (FW) is as following:

Wave 1: 3 Physical breeds.

Wave 2: 3 Physical, plus 1 Hydro and 1 Tactical breeds.

Wave 3: 3 Physical+1 Hydro+1 Tactical, and another Arcane breeds.

Wave 4: 12 Theurgy + Warmonger (Boss, invulnerable unless all 12 Theurgy have been captured)

Use of charms is important in FW. Physical charms got 3 types (Warrior, Scout and Archer), can be bought. Some need to be crafted: Mage charm is for Hydro mice, and Cavalry charm is for Tactical mice. There is no charm for Arcane mice. Then, there r 2 versions for ALL the charms i had explained to u just now: basic version (only attraction effect), and super version (require magic essence, better attraction rate (sort of....) and additional power damage). U can see a meter below the horn, showing the types and number of mice that u need to defeat b4 u r able to proceed to the next wave. So, talking about effects of charms, when u have captured 3 SAME mice IN A ROW, it causes extra 2 mice to retreat, meaning tht u have defeated 5 mice in total. Then, when u capture ANOTHER 3 mice, tht means 6 IN A ROW, u will further cause retreat of 4 mice, meaning tht u have defeated an amount of original 6 (in a row), plus 2 retreats during '3 in a row' and finally another 4 retreats during '6 in a row', so now the total mice u have defeated is 6+2+4=12 mice from tht particular breed! Well, if u r damn lucky, and ur streak is still undergoing, a Gargantuamouse (Gaga) will be released when u get streak 7 (7 in a row). From this point onwards, Gaga mouse may pop out at any time to break ur streak, ranging from after streak 7, to a max of streak 9. Oh ya, when u get 9 in a row, u cause additional 6 mice to retreat, but it is very difficult, i seldom got it. When u get streak 9, Gaga mouse will come for SURE. Well, i got one incidence b4, where it didnt appear as the 10th mouse, and i got a streak 10 bcoz i forgot to change to Ice Maiden, but this is very very rare. Gaga is a 100% capture using Ice Maiden, no worry, just tht u have to be good in estimating which streak it will appear.

Besides Gaga, u will also encounter 2 support mice which may appear occasionally through the waves (except wave 4). Crimson Commander, once u capture it, it basically works in an enhanced way of getting normal streaks. For instance, when u successfully capture a Commander mouse upon ur streak 5, u NOT ONLY cause 5 retreats for the mice in ur streak, but as well as 5 retreats for all the OTHER breeds in ur CURRENT wave. If u r in wave 3, meaning tht u have 6 breeds in total now, so u will cause a sum of 30 mice to retreat in this case. There r commander charms to be used to manually attract it, but only given after u settle one wave (wave 1-3), and also from Warmonger mouse. oh ya, the other mouse is Caravan, and it works in the opposite way. It causes reinforcement of MORE mice to ur wave, but only when u FTC it, if u capture then got nothing. However, if u have many friends hunting at FW too, the reinforcement can be avoided, funny oh?

Finally, regarding the ultimate aims for hunting at FW, u r advised to get different trap parts from Warmonger, one at a time only. Similar to tht of ZT, but the different thing here is tht the Warmonger WOULDN'T drop the trap part every time. In total, u need to get 2 Sandblasted Metals, 1 Sphynx Crystal, and 1 Oasis Bead to craft Sandstorm Monstrobot, Sphynx Wrath, and Water Oasis Node Trap, the 3 ultimate traps available in mousehunt so far. The 1st Warmonger u catch will give u a trap part for SURE.

My personal advices, not necessarily for u to follow though, is 1st to get 2 victories ( one victory means completing 4 waves) at FW. Why 2 victories instead of just ONE? 1stly, u need to get enough flameshards to craft a trap ( mentioned later). 2ndly, u need 2 victories as prerequisite for tht trap as well. After tht, u move to Muridae Market, and rebuild cheese shoppe, general store and trapsmith there, and then purchase Sandtail Sentinel ( a MUST, unless u r freaking lucky to get 2 Sandblasted Metals in a row for ur 1st 2 victories to craft Monstrobot. Well, Sei Ji got 3 in a row, shit him. =_=!! ) U may also consider buying Dimensional Chest Trap (Tactical, dont need to buy if u get crystal ady, up to you la...), but it seems to me tht Sandtail Sentinel just works as fine for Tactical mice in FW. Then, if u want, u can travel back to FW and continue farming for ur loots using SS. Or u can start doing ur Crystal Library assignments, but in this case u will have to buy the Dimensional Chest Trap bcoz most assignments r at Furoma and ZT, u shall know why la. Regarding the baits to use in FW, Brie is quite good for wave 1 and 2, but i m a bit kiasu and impatient, so i stick to gouda to maximize the streaks. Gouda is recommended in wave 3, bcoz wave 3 is seriously killing. And, use SB+ wherever possible to maintain ur streaks, like when u ady get streak 5, then use SB+ to get streak 6 to cause retreats. Commander charms will come in handy at this time. oh ya, U can just use Enraged Rhinobot for all the mice in FW, including hydro, tactical and arcane, but less effective la. I did tht bcoz didnt want to use charms ( need simple orbs to craft..) for tactical and hydro mice. U plan urself la.

FW boosts ur golds and points like mad also. Tactical mice r damn rich (5200 in wave 2, and 6000 in wave 3). Regarding the duration of getting one victory, according to my experience and analysis, even if u hunt 24 hours per day non-stop, u still need 5-7 days using ER, or 4-6 days using SS), depending on ur luck. haha, i think u need one week plus. My fastest record is 4 days, bcoz i spent my commander charms like crazy and i was lucky enough to catch the commanders, but i never use super charms la. Don't waste time hunting at Derr Dunes ady.

Enjoy the hunt. :-)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Random thought

Just passed by and would like to drop a piece of thought. Recently i feel damn bored. Bored, bored, BOREDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!! Celaka punya sem 3, screw u upside down! U seriously freak me out! Waliaoooooooooooooo weiiiiiii!!!!!!!! @______________@

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Just a short diary. :-)

Well, this is just a short post. I may write another 'long' one for compensation in future. In short, i had done my semester 2 in IMU. Time flies, seriously. In the blink of an eye, 3 months had passed swiftly. I am having my one-month holidays, which i think it will still be sort of procrastination for me to do anything fruitful. Online and outings are things that keep me occupied for the moment. Outing huh? In a nutshell, RM150+ being spent within 2 outings. I seriously cannot recall what the heck i had eaten, except the 4 movies i had watched, two of which were 3D. oh ya, got wonder, shit!!!....... I m just too lazy and frustrated to initiate any study plans for my coming sem 3 after months of hell-like revision works. But luckily, my exams result is still not bad and above average. Praise the Lord, for me to have a peaceful holidays now. Blah blah blah, my life is peaceful now. Playing my mousehunt as usual, and gonna improve my crafting skills soon. Regarding mousehunt, haha, i m doing quite not bad, it is a traditional facebook game among the IMU students. Why is it so? 1stly, we can play it at all times, even if u r busy with revisions. The MAIN thing which we need to play mh is to sound the horn every 15 minutes, as simple as that. But of coz, u have to replenish ur baits upon depletion or change it in order to catch particular types of mice. U can also move to other places if u get bored with one place. Well, in fact, the game is not exactly as simple as it may sound here. This is just an OVERVIEW anyway. But really lah, i get to relax and rid of my nerdy appearance. Good thing!! XD Ok, done with mousehunt. Currently, i m reading up a novel called The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown, which i think is famous enough among the English readers. Wow, Dan Brown is really amazing, going through his book is like reading a scientific journal. In this book, it mentions about Noetic Science, which is a science established based on the concept that the human minds and thoughts possess MASS. It is very physical, and as what we had learned from physics, a physical object with mass produces gravity, and gravity gives rise to: FORCE, undeniably. For example, the human body. The body has gravity, thus it exerts force toward the Earth. To make it clearer, the human body and the Earth are attracted and pulled toward each other, this is what i have understood so far, though it might not be ALL. Therefore, if many people are thinking about the same thing, or having the same emotion at the same time, the forces from human minds may converge and thus become more powerful, in a way that they can alter the physical world we are living in. This is psychic ady, or even way beyond it. This is insane. I m addicted, and gonna finish it ASAP. #drooling# Ok, time to go. I m quite sleepy now, but then i still wish to continue with the novel. Gonna read more of them soon. If u guys have any good recommended books or articles to overwhelm my thirst, please don't hesitate to drop me a message here. Nitez people. :-)

#Paiseh for my jialat English...haha....

Sunday, January 2, 2011

First diary after so long on year 2011.....

Yo, it has been another long time since i wrote my last post. 4 months? or 5 months? I don't remember. What i know is that time passed really fast for me nowadays. I barely recall what i had done in INTEC, except the surprising birthday party for Larry at cemara where he was splashed with the cake by Cedric. So yeah, i would just write this post as far as i remember.....i begin my imu journey on 23rd August 2010, starting off with 2 weeks of orientation. 2 WEEKS of ORIENTATION, what the heck?! I was thinking that time: I had been fooling around throughout the 2 months of holidays, and am i gonna play again NOW?!! I hope i wasn't, but there it happened. I stayed for 90% of the orientation events, except only one afternoon as i accidentally fall asleep in my ex-roommate's house. It was a Wednesday. No choice lah, had to stay till so late every night. I was damn tired, or even exhausted throughout these 2 weeks. Can u imagine tht the orientation which could last for half a day, into midnight?!! At least 12 hours were gone like that each day. But anyway, all these were still considerably awesome bcoz through these events, they did establish friendships among us. I worked and played like mad during the orientation!.......After the orientation, all of us were busy with respective revisions and studies. Basically, albeit only 2 hours of lectures per day, it was still no-life afterall. Why was it so? After the lectures, some or even worst, MOST of us, including me, started our revision till late night or more terribly, early morning. While burying myself with studies, there it goes my sem 1. Super fast man! And now i finished my summative and am having holidays. Busy downloading games to help make myself more occupied. Seriously, i don't like to feel FREE at all times. Not saying tht i like to study or what. In fact, i like to play also. Extremely love to play! However, at the same time, i nvr forget my responsibility as a student, as a jpa scholar. I really appreciate JPA for what they had given me. Without the scholarship, i would nvr dare myself to think of pursuing medical studies in imu. My parents would just nvr be able to afford the tuition fee to even sponsor me to study at local imu. And yeah, I know, i m very 'different' from my other jpa friends here. Initially, i really felt sad for it. Even depressed, no play-play here...i studied so MUCH (certain friends will know what does this mean) and this is what i get! I don't take things for granted. For everything i want to achieve, i worked very hard for it. Piano, study, fitness....these r not my talents, not congenital, it is just that u guys don't see the process through which i paid my efforts. For piano, i practised till i can feel the pain on my fingertips. For fitness, i worked out till my arms were almost harmed and once not able to move. For study, needless to say, all people would have gone through the same process as i did. Nothing comes easy, free in this world, on this EARTH. If u have the time to admire people for being so-genius to u, why don't u spend the time to mould urself into a real genius? 2 years in INTEC were like hellholes. Couldn't study the things, the ways i wanted at all. Sigh, sorry guys, i may have been too carried away and unhappy with that.......forget it. Now, this is my new life in imu. I want it to go its proper ways. Making new friends expecially, as i had really been running out of friends previously. INTEC wasn't my place, get lost! Lots of new friends i met in imu were great people i ever saw in my life. Jie Cong, Denise, Chong Yee, Tsung Wai, and more. Special thanks to Chong Yee. Dude, wonder if u will ever be able to read this post, i just want to thank you for holding the discussions to boost our confidence in preparation for summative. And yeah, always remember tht a 50 questions-paper cannot tell everything about u. And about me as well. We definitely know more than what came out in the papers. Let's continue to work hard and strive for our coming EOS 2, which is of no doubts a hard one. All the best, everyone! And welcome year 2011!! See u guys in no time. My new post will come sooner this time perhaps. Stay tuned! :-)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Amazing story!

This month has really been a long one. Frankly speaking, i didn't fully utilize this long holiday at all. Just did whatever that would befall on my mind, hoping the time could have gone by faster. It was very tiring for me to think of what to do next after next everyday. Everyday repeated doing the same things: u woke up in the late morning, opened ur eyes and allowed the first strike of the lovely sunlight, giving u the first excitation stimuli to ur retina. Ur brain was 'shocked' and thus awakened. U would then think of getting ur ass off the bed, so another wave of nerve impulses were transmitted from ur hindbrain, imposing u with the urge and ability to control and balance ur body movement and to move around. After that, ur brain made u had the consciousness to eat, and u would go and grab whatever foods u found on the kitchen table. Ok, now u must be fully awake and ready to start all shits u wanted to do for that day. But u could not recall that u had any outings with friends, so what could u do?? When u were still fumbling hard for ideas, at this moment, u saw a light. It was so strong, that u could barely open ur eyes. U resisted against its radiance, looking for its source in ur living place. "come on come on, u r almost there.."u fought ur way to the source of light. "i will get u!" u mumbled in ur brain. It was radiating from the table in ur living room. Finally, u were there and forced urself to keep ur eyelids agape to see what was ahead. Hoho, the light was receding gradually, and it turned out to be an object which was: small, blackish grey, equipped with many coloured buttons and light. A TV controller! (oh crap, i also dont know what i m writing about now...) wow, u could not describe how did u feel that moment! The enthusiasm was blazing in ur heart, with ur soul! This was so amazing! What a glory! This gave u the strength to move ahead, and take hold of the controller. And then, u pressed the "Play" button. Another miracle had occurred. U saw another blaze of light. Too strong! And it was accompanied with sounds. Immediately, u felt the numbness on ur legs. U were so touched by its presence. U wanted to bow to greet its presence. U wanted to honour its presence. Next, u felt the bending on ur joints of the knees. U fall , with ur ultimate sincerity..........onto the SOFA. There were flashes on the TV screen where the light came from. After a moment or two, it came to a time when u could see a distinguishable title on it: 金装四大才子。haha, there u r, u falled for it. Then, u were faithfully witnessing the miracle for the rest of ur day. What a big sacrifaction! ....wondering how long u had been there, the hunger had stroke. U turned around and looked at the clock. Wow! It was amazingly 8pm now. U turned off the TV and had ur dinner. So delicious, as the sayings go: food tastes the best after a hardcore of works. After that, u went to ur pc and online. Logged in to ur favourite facebook, or ur msn, or whatever crap, plants versus zombies, blah blah blah, until it was the time for u to go to bed. This was the day when u had no outing. Lets call it a day. I m very tired to write ady. Bye bye!

Moodcode: U should know what i want to do. :p